San Fransisco, CA, USA
May 2008
Table of Contents
(Click on Title to view paper)
World Police Bands: Globalization through Music
Mark U. Reimer
Christopher Newport University
One Globe, Many Voices, Many Challenges: Revisiting Music Teacher Preparation
Keith Koster
Christopher Newport University
National Schools of Singing and Their Impact on Teaching Vocal Pedagogy and Literature
Rachel Holland
Christopher Newport University
Lauren Fowler-Calisto
Christopher Newport University
Tolerance or Acceptance – Ethnic Attitudes in Contemporary Poland: An Analysis of Empirical Studies
Dorota Mihulka
Jagiellonian University
Child Marriages in Nigeria: The Role of Islam
Tonja Khabir
Fisk University
Mohamed Dabbagh
Everest University – Brandon
The Art of Global Financing: Outsourcing
Wold Zemedkun
Norfolk State University
Multinational Intercompany Pay Funds Flow Mechanisms Exposure
Wold Zemedkun
Norfolk State University
Motives and Consequences of Fraudulent Financial Reporting
Ibraham M Badawi
St. John's University
Preventive Measures of Corporate Accounting Fraud
Ibraham M Badawi
St. John's University
The Development of Study Abroad Programs in Culturally Difficult Situations
Jefferey Hill
Western New Mexico University
Sukwinder Bagi
Bloomsburg University
William Kwame Dadson
Lincoln University
Perception of North Korea by Young Americans: Are They Still an Evil of Axis?
Sang T. Choe
University of Southern Indiana
Chinggis Pride and Tibetan Buddhism unite under the Mongolian Blue Sky
Jay Nathan
St. John's University
Investigating a Motivating Theme for Elementary Mathematics and Statistics Courses
Reza Noubary
Bloomsburg University
Global Implications of Web-Based 3D Virtual Worlds
Curvin Huber
DeSales University